- Instructors and teaching assistants -- see your course website
- Your fellow students
- OneStop
- Academic Advisors
- Academic Services
- One.UF -- course registration, final grades, transcript requests, degree progress audit, and other activities
- GatorRater -- online faculty evaluations and results
- UF Academic Deadlines and Calendar
- Schedule of Courses -- select “UF Online Program” for the UF Online schedule.
- UF Bookstore (352) 392-0194 fax | email ufbookstore@bsd.ufl.edu
- UF Libraries (866) 281-6309 libref@uflib.ufl.edu
- Services for Distance Students
- Ask a Librarian -- chat with librarians online
- Teaching Center Tutoring Support -- tutoring services on demand and tutor matching for online students
- Administrative Services
- MyUFL -- student fee payments and updates to contact information
- Registrar’s Office Records and Registration
- Information for Veterans Office of Student Veterans Services (352) 392-2244
- Student Financial Affairs
- University Bursar -- tuition payments, financial aid disbursements and refunds
- Communication
- IT Support
UF Computing Help Desk -- (352) 392-HELP (4357), helpdesk@ufl.edu
- Online Apps -- access to software applications from any computing device from any location, at any time
- Linkedin Learning -- free online computer software training
- Safe Computing Practices -- keep your computer and online information safe
- Student Software Licensing -- free or reduced rate software for all UF students
- GATORCLOUD -- Microsoft Office Online -- e-mail, calendars, instant messaging and web conferencing
- Migrating to Office365
- UF Mobile App
- UF Virtual Private Network (VPN) -- secured internet connection required for some UF services
- Student Affairs
- Disability Resource Center (352) 392-8565, accessuf@ufsa.ufl.edu
- Distance Student Resources (352) 392-1265
- Career Resource Center (353) 392-1601, (352) 392-3810 fax
- Counseling & Wellness Center (352) 392-1575 fax
- Gator Connect -- online database of student organizations
- Off Campus Life 352-392-1207
- Training Time Exercise Videos
- U Matter We Care
- Veterans and Active Duty Military